
The Strong Preserve is a 53-acre parcel on Above All Road, purchased in the 2015 by the Warren Land Trust with the generous assistance of a consortium of conservation-minded neighbors. The Preserve is named in honor of the Strong family, which once owned the property and has deep historical roots in Warren.

The Hiking Trail

WLT board member Dave Schneiderbeck and Warren-based Arbor Services, Inc. donated their time to create a trail that meanders through the wooded preserve, availing hikers of its many scenic pleasures.  Small streams feed into Lake Waramaug which lies just south of the preserve. The trail also features a knoll is one of the highest elevations in Warren.  The trailhead can be found ½ mile from the center of town on Above All Road. Along the trail, hikers can observe second-growth forest, numerous stone walls, and an impressive stand of mature oak trees. The Preserve provides habitat for sensitive forest-interior birds such as Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Ovenbird, and Black Throated Blue Warbler.